
Keeping you updated on the latest Medicare and Part D news

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CMS Terminates Sponsor for Delaying and Denying Drugs for HIV and Cancer Patients

A CMS audit revealed that Fox Insurance Co consistently failed to follow Medicare regulations, imposing “unapproved prior authorization and step therapy criteria that made it more difficult for beneficiaries to get drugs that are protected by law,” including HIV, cancer, and seizure medications.

Full report here

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ProPublica Study “Lift[s] the Veil on Dangerous Prescribing Practices”

Prescription data obtained by ProPublica shows widespread use of antipsychotics, narcotics and other drugs dangerous for older adults, but Medicare officials say it’s not their job to look for unsafe prescribing or weed out doctors with troubled backgrounds.

Full report from ProPublica posted here

Washington Post’s version can be found here

ProPublica explains their methodology here

As part of this study, ProPublica also released a website where the public can search for a prescriber by name and/or state, and view the number of prescriptions and cost, beneficiaries and specific drugs prescribed for prescribers in 2010.

“Checkup” on a prescriber here